Recipe: Tasty Soto ayam & telur bumbu kuning

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Soto ayam & telur bumbu kuning.

Soto ayam & telur bumbu kuning You can have Soto ayam & telur bumbu kuning using 18 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Soto ayam & telur bumbu kuning

  1. It's of dada ayam.
  2. It's of telur ayam rebus.
  3. You need of kol.
  4. It's of seledri.
  5. Prepare of daun bawang.
  6. It's of daun salam.
  7. Prepare of daun jeruk.
  8. Prepare of jeruk purut.
  9. Prepare of serai.
  10. You need of Kaldu ayam bubuk.
  11. Prepare of garam.
  12. You need of gula pasir.
  13. It's of Bumbu ulek:.
  14. You need of jahe.
  15. Prepare of kunyit.
  16. It's of bamer.
  17. It's of baput.
  18. Prepare of kemiri.

Soto ayam & telur bumbu kuning instructions

  1. Rebus dada ayam sampai empuk, angkat tiriskan. Suwir2...
  2. Tumis bumbu halus, masukkan ke dalam air rebusan ayam. Tambahkan daun bawang, daunsalam, serai & daun jeruk..
  3. Didihkan dengan api sedang, tambahkan garam, gulapasir & kaldu bubuk,tes rasa..
  4. Tata di dalam mangkok: Telur rebus, ayamsuwir, irisan kol, irisan seledri, tuangkan kuah ke dalam mangkok..