Easiest Way to Make Delicious Panada isi sayur&rebon...non msg(bakulan)

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Panada isi sayur&rebon...non msg(bakulan).

Panada isi sayur&rebon...non msg(bakulan) You can cook Panada isi sayur&rebon...non msg(bakulan) using 17 ingredients and 1 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Panada isi sayur&rebon...non msg(bakulan)

  1. You need of terigu.
  2. Prepare of ragi.
  3. You need of skm ato santan sachet.
  4. Prepare of gula pasir, segelas air(250 ml).
  5. It's of margarin.
  6. It's of minyak sayur.
  7. Prepare of garam.
  8. It's of Isian:.
  9. Prepare of bebas.
  10. It's of ikan suwir.
  11. It's of ayam suwir.
  12. Prepare of ato sayur+rebon.
  13. You need of bihun.
  14. It's of abon,dkk).
  15. Prepare of bumbu isian dihaluskan:.
  16. It's of Bawang putih.
  17. You need of garam & lada.

Panada isi sayur&rebon...non msg(bakulan) step by step

  1. Bismillah. Buat isian. Tumis bumbu dulu,tambahkan bahan isian.Sisihkan. Buat kulit panada. Larutan ragi& gula dengan air.Biarkan berbuih.Campur terigu,larutan ragi,susu ato santan(optional),margarin& garam. Uleni. Tambahkan minyak. Uleni sampe kalis. Biarkan 1 jam hingga mengembang. Buang gas. Beri isian& bentuk sperti pastel. Tunggu 10 menit. Goreng. Step by step nggak sempat di foto,soale buru2. Insya' Alloh kalo buat lg ana posting..