Recipe: Delicious Ayam Goreng Ketumbar

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Ayam Goreng Ketumbar.

Ayam Goreng Ketumbar You can have Ayam Goreng Ketumbar using 11 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Ayam Goreng Ketumbar

  1. It's of Fillet Paha Ayam.
  2. It's of Tepung Goreng Serbaguna.
  3. It's of Telur.
  4. It's of Kaldu Jamur.
  5. It's of Kecap Ikan.
  6. It's of Tepung Ubi / Maizena.
  7. You need of Bawang Putih cincang.
  8. Prepare of Bawang Merah cincang.
  9. You need of Bubuk ketumbar.
  10. It's of Lada.
  11. It's of Minyak goreng.

Ayam Goreng Ketumbar step by step

  1. Siapin bahan lalu diamkan selama semalaman dikulkas..
  2. Panasin minyak goreng ayam sampai warna kecoklatan angkat tiriskan lalu nunggu minyak panas melakukan penggorengan ke2x (agar tekstur ayam luar kress dalamnya juicy😁).