How to Make Tasty Ayam goreng ungkep (all pecel lele)

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Ayam goreng ungkep (all pecel lele).

Ayam goreng ungkep (all pecel lele) You can cook Ayam goreng ungkep (all pecel lele) using 16 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Ayam goreng ungkep (all pecel lele)

  1. You need of ayam potong-potong jd 4,/ayam pejantan.
  2. You need of sun kara 65 ml.
  3. You need of air.
  4. Prepare of Bumbu ungkep.
  5. Prepare of bawang merah (1sdm).
  6. You need of bawang putih (1,5 SDM).
  7. Prepare of kunyit (1/2 SDM).
  8. It's of Laos halus (1/2 SDM).
  9. It's of Jahe halus (1/2sdt).
  10. Prepare of daun salam.
  11. You need of kemiri (1 SDM).
  12. It's of Ketumbar halus.
  13. Prepare of serai memekarkan.
  14. It's of garam.
  15. It's of std penyedap rasa.
  16. Prepare of gula pasir.

Ayam goreng ungkep (all pecel lele) instructions

  1. Cuci bersih ayam tiriskan. Ayam goreng ungkep (all pecel lele)
  2. Didihkan air dan bumbu halus,kalo sudah mendidih masukan santan dan ayam Masak sampai kulit mengelupas seperti di foto 👇,sesekali di aduk Masak selama 15menit, angakt dan tiriskan.