Recipe: Yummy Ayam goreng saus korea

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Ayam goreng saus korea.

Ayam goreng saus korea You can have Ayam goreng saus korea using 17 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Ayam goreng saus korea

  1. You need of ayam.
  2. Prepare of Minyak.
  3. You need of Air.
  4. You need of Bumbu ayam:.
  5. Prepare of sdm(bamer.baput).
  6. It's of garam.
  7. You need of kunyit bubuk.
  8. You need of Saus korea:.
  9. Prepare of kecap asin.
  10. You need of air.
  11. Prepare of gulpas.
  12. It's of madu.
  13. Prepare of baput.
  14. It's of bombay.
  15. It's of Pengental?:.
  16. You need of mezeina.
  17. Prepare of air.

Ayam goreng saus korea step by step

  1. Cuci bersih ayam.lumuri ayam dg bumbu halus.tambahkan garam.kunyit dan air.aduk rata.tunggu air menyusut.
  2. Goreng deh ayamnya.sisihkan dulu.
  3. Rajang halus baput dan bombay.masukan dlm wadah yg sdh berisi air.kecap asin.madu.gula.aduk rata.rebus deh.sambil nunggu.campur pengental/air+mezeina..
  4. Jika sdh mendidih masukan air mezeina.
  5. Tunggu mengental..
  6. Masukan ayam.urak arik sampe bumbu merata.
  7. Jadiii🤤🤤🤤.
  8. Enjoyy🤤🤤.