Easiest Way to Make Yummy Brownies Singkong

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Brownies Singkong.

Brownies Singkong You can have Brownies Singkong using 15 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Brownies Singkong

  1. It's 500 gr of singkong.
  2. It's 3 sdm of coklat bubuk.
  3. You need 1/2 sdt of pasta vanilla.
  4. It's 1/2 sdt of garam.
  5. It's of Bahan A.
  6. You need 170 gr of gula pasir.
  7. You need 2 butir of telur.
  8. Prepare 3 sdm of butter.
  9. You need 1 sdt of sp.
  10. You need of Bahan B.
  11. Prepare 100 gr of dcc.
  12. It's 50 ml of minyak goreng.
  13. Prepare of Topping.
  14. Prepare of Buttercream homemade.
  15. You need of Keju parut.

Brownies Singkong step by step

  1. Parut singkong, saya pakai food prosessor,seperti kurang halus punyak jd agak bergerindil.
  2. Lelehkan bahan B, sisihkan.
  3. Mixer bahan A sampai kental.
  4. Masukkan singkong parut, lalu coklat bubuk, mixer speed rendah.
  5. Masukkan bahan B, garam, vanila, aduk rata, tuang ke loyang.
  6. Kukus selama 50 menit sampai matang.
  7. Beri buttercream, lalu taburi keju parut.