Easiest Way to Prepare Tasty Nasi Liwet Sunda

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Nasi Liwet Sunda.

Nasi Liwet Sunda You can have Nasi Liwet Sunda using 19 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Nasi Liwet Sunda

  1. You need of Cawang beras putih.
  2. Prepare of bawang merah.
  3. It's of bawang putih.
  4. Prepare of cabai rawit merah.
  5. You need of cabai rawit hijau.
  6. Prepare of daun salam.
  7. It's of daun serai.
  8. Prepare of garam.
  9. It's of kaldu bubuk.
  10. Prepare of minyak goreng (buat menumis bumbu).
  11. It's of Air.
  12. It's of 🍂PELENGKAP:.
  13. Prepare of Sambal.
  14. Prepare of Timun.
  15. You need of Tempe goreng.
  16. It's of Tahu goreng.
  17. It's of Tumis cumi pedas.
  18. You need of Terong bulat hijau.
  19. You need of Daun selada.

Nasi Liwet Sunda step by step

  1. Iris cabe, bawang merah, bawang putih, kemudian geprek serai lalu simpulkan.
  2. Kemudian tumis bumbu yg sudah di iris sampai harum,lalu angkat.
  3. Cuci beras sampai bersih, kemudian masukan bumbu yg sudah di tumis,lalu masukan daun salam,daun serai,garam,kaldu bubuk,masak nasi seperti biasa kita masak di Rice Cooker.
  4. Sajikan nasi liwet bersama pelengkap : tempe goreng,tahu goreng,sambal, timun dan oseng cumi pedas.