Recipe: Appetizing Nasi Liwet

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Nasi Liwet.

Nasi Liwet You can cook Nasi Liwet using 8 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Nasi Liwet

  1. You need of beras.
  2. You need of bawang merah iris.
  3. Prepare of cabe rawit.
  4. Prepare of daun salam.
  5. You need of sereh, geprek.
  6. It's of kaldu instan.
  7. It's of minyak goreng.
  8. You need of air.

Nasi Liwet step by step

  1. Cuci bersih beras, lalu tambahkan air..
  2. Masukan bumbu pelengkap semuanya. Bisa ditambah petai kalau ada. Enak ituuu.
  3. Masak deh di magicom sampai matang. Bisa ditambah lauk apa saja, cocok..