Recipe: Delicious STEAM Cake traditional chinese (huat kue)

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

STEAM Cake traditional chinese (huat kue). Turn on CC subtitles (English, Simplified Chinese). If you have any questions, please leave a message below. Traditional "Kuih" have always been the ultimate choice to most of Malaysians during tea time.

STEAM Cake traditional chinese (huat kue) Take a tour thru the making of this kuih. Huat Kuih is a traditional Chinese steamed cake. Therefore it is a prosperity cake! You can cook STEAM Cake traditional chinese (huat kue) using 4 ingredients and 10 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of STEAM Cake traditional chinese (huat kue)

  1. It's 3 butir of telur besar (fresh).
  2. Prepare 220 gram of : gula pasir halus (castor sugar).
  3. You need 300 gram of : tepung pro sedang.
  4. It's 120 ml of : sprite / soda.

Chinese always like to relate food to good meaning wording. This is to hope that after consumed that food it would bring good luck. Steamed sponge cakes are of a pale almond or light honey colour, due to the soft brown sugar content. This is a cake that can be made at a moment's notice, as it needs just a handful of A quick method recipe for this dim sum and tea-time favourite, delicious Chinese steamed sponge cake (ma lai gao).

STEAM Cake traditional chinese (huat kue) step by step

  1. Kocok telur speed tinggi.
  2. Masukkan gula pasir secara bertahap.
  3. Mixer dengan kecepatan tinggi hingga 7-8 menit hingga fluffy.
  4. Setelah itu masukkan tepung secara bertahap diseling dengan soda (misalnya : tepung soda tepung soda dst).
  5. Aduk balik hingga rata.
  6. Terus hasil akhir akan jatuh secara bertahap dan kental... jangan sampai cair.... STEAM Cake traditional chinese (huat kue)
  7. Masukkan ke mangkok yang sudah dialas baking paper.
  8. Hentakkan dan beri garis pada ujung sendok agar pecah 😁 seharusnya gunting dipotong gt karena cari gunting tidak ada ya sudah sendok saja...
  9. Langsung kukus ya.. dengan air kukusan sudah mendidih sebelumnya dengan api besar... kukus hingga 30-35 menit....
  10. Selamat mencoba 🥰.

Recently I attended a course and one of the lessons was actually steaming a huat kueh So whilst I was steaming this Traditional Egg Cake, I was telling the mom at the same time that I wondered if mine egg cake will end up having. The name of this steamed is Chinese steamed rice flour cake (hereinafter to refer to as Huat Kueh) As similar with the Chinese steamed sponge cake (kuey neng ko), Chinese hoped that the cake I still remember that she used the traditional weighing scales or balance to weigh the sugar and used. The name ' huat' means to prosper and symbolises luck. Fatt Koh (Steamed Rice Cake) or Huat Kueh in Hokkien is a must for Chinese during prayers. Chinese steamed rice cake or called white sugar rice cake (白糖糕 bai tang gao), is a traditional Chinese pastry.