Recipe: Tasty Tumpeng Nasi Putih Sederhana

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Tumpeng Nasi Putih Sederhana.

Tumpeng Nasi Putih Sederhana You can have Tumpeng Nasi Putih Sederhana using 7 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Tumpeng Nasi Putih Sederhana

  1. It's of Nasi putih.
  2. It's of Kering Tempe (lihat resep).
  3. You need of Mie Goreng Baso (lihat resep).
  4. Prepare of Sambel Goreng Telur Puyuh Udang (lihat resep).
  5. Prepare of Cah Buncis Jagung Manis (lihat resep).
  6. It's of Ayam goreng gurih (lihat resep).
  7. You need of Telur dadar (lihat resep).

Tumpeng Nasi Putih Sederhana instructions

  1. Kering tempe.
  2. Mie goreng baso.
  3. Sambel goreng telur puyuh udang.
  4. Cah buncis jagung muda.
  5. Ayam goreng gurih.
  6. Telur dadar iris.
  7. .