Recipe: Tasty Nasi Tumpeng

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Nasi Tumpeng.

Nasi Tumpeng You can cook Nasi Tumpeng using 6 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Nasi Tumpeng

  1. You need of Nasi Kuning (lihat resep).
  2. It's of Kering tempe (lihat resep).
  3. You need of Sambal goreng udang telor puyuh (lihat resep).
  4. Prepare of Tempe tahu bacem (lihat resep).
  5. You need of Gulai daging.
  6. It's of Cumi cabe ijo (lihat resep).

Nasi Tumpeng instructions

  1. Kering tempe, bisa di liat resep di lampiran (lihat resep).
  2. Nasi kuning tumpeng, bisa liat di lampiran (lihat resep).
  3. Sambalgoreng telor puyuh, bisa di liat resep di lampiran (lihat resep).
  4. Cumi cabe ijo (lihat resep).
  5. Tahu tempe bacem, resep bisa di liat di lampiran (lihat resep).
  6. Resep blm tayang, menyusul yah.