How to Prepare Appetizing Tumpeng Nasi Uduk

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Tumpeng Nasi Uduk.

Tumpeng Nasi Uduk You can have Tumpeng Nasi Uduk using 12 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Tumpeng Nasi Uduk

  1. Prepare of beras.
  2. Prepare of santan.
  3. You need of garam.
  4. It's of daun salam.
  5. You need of daun salam.
  6. It's of jahe.
  7. Prepare of sereh.
  8. It's of LAUK PELENGKAP 🥗:.
  9. You need of Buncis cabe bawang (lihat resep).
  10. It's of Ayam goreng bacem (lihat resep).
  11. It's of Tempe tahu bacem (lihat resep).
  12. Prepare of Telur dadar (lihat resep).

Tumpeng Nasi Uduk step by step

  1. Cuci bersih beras, lalu masukkan daun salam, daun jeruk, jahe & sereh..
  2. Masukkan santan kental & garam, aduk merata..
  3. Masukkan ke dlm rice cooker, masak. Setelah santan agak kering, aduk sebentar. Tutup kembali biarkan sampai matang. Cetak nasi, beri lauk pauknya & hias sesuai selera..