Easiest Way to Cook Appetizing Tumpeng Pecel

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Tumpeng Pecel.

Tumpeng Pecel You can cook Tumpeng Pecel using 5 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Tumpeng Pecel

  1. Prepare of Nasi putih.
  2. It's of Pecel (lihat resep).
  3. It's of Tempe goreng (lihat resep).
  4. Prepare of Telur ceplok.
  5. You need of Hiasan sayur.

Tumpeng Pecel instructions

  1. Siapkan dan masak pecel..
  2. Tata daun di tampah, diatas daun cetak nasi dan taduh bumbu kacang..
  3. Tata pecel, tempe goreng dan telur ceplok. Hias sesuai kreasi masing- masing..
  4. Tempe goreng.