Easiest Way to Make Delicious Tumpeng Ndeso

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Tumpeng Ndeso.

Tumpeng Ndeso You can have Tumpeng Ndeso using 5 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Tumpeng Ndeso

  1. You need of Nasi Kuning.
  2. Prepare of mie kuning.
  3. Prepare of ayam kampung bakar.
  4. It's of mentimun.
  5. Prepare of Kerupuk.

Tumpeng Ndeso instructions

  1. Susun nasi tumpeng ditengah tampah.
  2. Lalu susun juga mie goreng, ayam bakar dan timun serta kerupuk.
  3. Undang saudara dan tetanggamu ajak mereka makan Jangan lupa berdoa sebelum makan.