Recipe: Tasty 214. Thumbprint Cookies Enaak 👍👍

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

214. Thumbprint Cookies Enaak 👍👍. Thumbprint cookies are a Christmas tradition. Use your favorite jam to fill them, or use different flavors for a variety. Classic thumbprint cookies are a delicious holiday favorite, whether they're chocolate or red velvet.

214. Thumbprint Cookies Enaak 👍👍 Some recipes for thumbprint cookies call to bake the cookie dough before adding the jam, but we like adding the jam pre bake so that it gets nice and warm and bakes into the dough. Can I use any flavor of jam or jelly? Thumbprint cookies are one of those classic cookies that seem to make an appearance at any event regardless what the occasion is! You can have 214. Thumbprint Cookies Enaak 👍👍 using 11 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of 214. Thumbprint Cookies Enaak 👍👍

  1. It's 150 gr of Margarin.
  2. You need 120 gr of guLa haLus, (kubLender).
  3. It's 1 btr of Kuning teLur.
  4. Prepare 225 gr of Tepung Kunci, sangrai timbang.
  5. You need 20 gr of Tepung Maizena.
  6. Prepare 20 gr of Susu Bubuk (aku Santan Bubuk 2 sdm).
  7. Prepare 1/2 sdt of Baking Powder.
  8. It's of Topping :.
  9. You need 1 btr of Putih teLur.
  10. Prepare 1/4 bks of Keju Meg, parut keciL.
  11. It's Secukupnya of SeLai.

These cookies freeze best unbaked and unfilled. Prepare the rounds of cookie dough and press with your thumb to create a depression, and then freeze. These THUMBPRINT COOKIES are the perfect holiday cookies. Cookie dough balls are coated in walnuts then topped with raspberry jam.

214. Thumbprint Cookies Enaak 👍👍 instructions

  1. Sangrai tepung +/- 15menit api keciL, (tak disangrai pun gpp) dinginkan, timbang 225gr.... Campur dng susu/santan bubuk, maizena & baking powder, aduk rata, ayak, sisihkan.
  2. Mixer margarin dan guLa haLus hingga pucat, masukkan kuning teLur, aduk rata & matikan mixer... Next masukkan terigu bertahap, aduk dng sendok kayu.
  3. Bentuk buLatan, kasih thumbprint duLu semuanya... CeLupin ke putih teLur Lanjut ke parutan keju... Beri seLai (aku pakai bantuan tusuk gigi).
  4. Oven 150-160°, aku tadi 30 menit hasiLnya cantik 👍 Naahh ini ada yg gozyonkkk 😭 Harusnya jadi 2 Loyang 😭 entah timernya muter sampai 2x30 menit... Aku-nya rebahan 🙈 sayang bangett, enaakkk kukisnya 😭.

An old fashioned cookie but a classic and incredibly delicious! Thumbprint cookies are a soft, but firm cookie with a jam-filled center that are deliciously popular, especially during the holidays. This thumbprint cookie recipe is probably one of the easiest cookies I've ever made. I've been making these thumbprint cookies, same recipe, no changes except the. I have been making these Thumbprint Cookies since college, and they never get old!