How to Prepare Yummy Wafer cookies

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Wafer cookies. With super simple Wafer Cookies from are insanely buttery. These super buttery, vanilla-y cookies come together with ingredients you already have in your pantry. These iconic cookies are as easy to make How Do I Store Homemade Vanilla Wafers?

Wafer cookies A wafer is a crisp, most often sweet, very thin, flat, and dry biscuit, often used to decorate ice cream. Cream Wafers are one of my favorite Christmas Cookies! They're a light, flaky wafer cookies recipe made Looking for more Christmas cookie recipes? You can have Wafer cookies using 15 ingredients and 10 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Wafer cookies

  1. It's 300 gr of tepung kunci biru sangrai lalu timbang.
  2. Prepare 2 of kuning telur.
  3. You need 120 gr of margarine.
  4. It's 80 gr of butter.
  5. You need 50 gr of gula halus.
  6. Prepare 25 gr of susu bubuk.
  7. Prepare 25 gr of skm.
  8. You need of Filling.
  9. It's 198 gr of /1 kotak/pack Waffer coklat selamat/ nissin sesuai selera.
  10. It's of Bahan topping.
  11. You need 1 bks of keju kraft parut memanjang.
  12. You need of Olesan.
  13. It's 1 of kuning telur.
  14. It's 1 sdt of minyak goreng.
  15. It's 1/2 sdt of madu.

This recipe for crispy vanilla wafer cookies (Polish wafle) can be made on a special wafer iron or baked on a conventional waffle iron. Wafer cookies homemade recipe and how to make Watch our other video recipes with following this link (Subscribe). Sweet little vanilla wafer cookies use simple pantry ingredients and are ready in no time. They're perfect for sandwiching with fillings or for serving with puddings or coffee.

Wafer cookies step by step

  1. Mix gula, butter dan margarine 30detik speed sedang, tambahkan kuning telur kocok asal rata sekitar 30dtk saja.
  2. Masukkan tepung terigu aduk dgn spatula asal tercampur aja ya agar tidak keras.
  3. Ambil adonan secukupnya, sekitar 4sdm letakkan diantara plastik pipihkan dgn rolling pin dgn ketebalan sekitar 2mm letakkan waffer (lihat gambar) (plastiknya gak perlu lebar ya agar lebih mudah membungkus dan merapikan adonan aku pakai plastik ukuran 1kg an yg dibelah).
  4. Potong kedua sisi adonan sesuai panjang wafer, kemudian bungkus dgn adonan (lihat gambar).
  5. Setelang terbungkus tekan dgn jari telunjuk (plurut kekanan dan kiri hingga halus, balik lakukan hal yg sama atas bawah samping kiri kanan) agar adonan lengket dgn wafer dan rapi.
  6. Setelah rapi buka plastik rapikan adonan sisa dgn memotong bagian samping dgn pisau (jangan terkena wafer agar adonan tidak kotor).
  7. Kemudian potong menjadi 2 bagian tengah sama panjang, lalu potong lagi setiap bagian menjadi 2 lagi hingga.
  8. Jadi 1 wafer menjadi 4 bagian, kemudian letakkan kukis ke loyang yang sudah dioles margarine lakukan hingga semua habis, oven dgn suhu 100°c selama 20mnt angkat biarkan agak dingin.
  9. Setelah agak dingin oles dgn bahan olesan taburi dgn keju parut, oven kembali hingga matang sesuaikan dgn oven masing2.
  10. Keluarkan dari oven dinginkan, kukis siap dimasukkan kedalam wadah kedap udara/toples.

Second, these are not gluten-free butter cookies. Those are more delicate, and do not take to being rolled & cut out. Wafers cookies are like potato chips of the cookie world. Once you have one you can't stop, and The cookies are thin, crispy with chocolate undertones from the cocoa powder, they are addicting. These wafer cookies are made from the finest quality ingredients and do not use any kind of chemical additives or artificial sweeteners.