Easiest Way to Prepare Tasty Nasi Tumpeng

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Nasi Tumpeng.

Nasi Tumpeng You can have Nasi Tumpeng using 8 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Nasi Tumpeng

  1. It's of Rangkaiannya.
  2. Prepare of Nasi putih.
  3. Prepare of Balado telor.
  4. Prepare of Tahu Bacem.
  5. You need of Ayam bumbu Rujak.
  6. You need of Rempeyek teri.
  7. You need of Urap Sayur.
  8. Prepare of Daun selada.

Nasi Tumpeng instructions

  1. Balado telor (lihat resep).
  2. Tahu Bacem (lihat resep).
  3. Urap sayur (lihat resep).
  4. Rempeyek rebon (lihat resep).
  5. Ayam bumbu rujak (lihat resep).
  6. Cetak nasi berbentuk tumpeng lalu dilengkapi dengan bahan2 pelengkap.