Recipe: Perfect Nasi tumpeng Angry Simple

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Nasi tumpeng Angry Simple.

Nasi tumpeng Angry Simple You can cook Nasi tumpeng Angry Simple using 15 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Nasi tumpeng Angry Simple

  1. It's of Nasi kuning:.
  2. Prepare of Beras.
  3. Prepare of santan kara.
  4. Prepare of Daun salam.
  5. Prepare of Daun jeruk.
  6. Prepare of Garam,kaldu.
  7. It's of Air kunyit hasil blender.
  8. It's of Pelengkap:.
  9. You need of Mie goreng.
  10. You need of Telur puyuh rebus.
  11. You need of Telur orak arik.
  12. It's of Ayam goreng kuning suir.
  13. It's of Timur.
  14. It's of Nori tao kai noi.
  15. Prepare of Me tambahi rendang beli jadi.

Nasi tumpeng Angry Simple instructions

  1. Me masak nasi pakai rice cooker ya.. cuci beras,lalu masukan kedlm panci rice cooker.. didihkan air lalu masukan kedalam panci..beri daun salam dan daun jeruk beri garam dan kaldu.jg air kunyit..tutup panci dan masak...
  2. Tata di nampan kue.. untuk nasi ny me gk pakai cetakan..hanya pakai kertas pembungkus nasi di bentuk kerucut..lalu cetak..untuk hidung dan mata me pakai nori dan telur putih..anak2 pun senang..mudah buat ny mom.