How to Prepare Yummy Tumpeng imut

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Tumpeng imut.

Tumpeng imut You can have Tumpeng imut using 21 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Tumpeng imut

  1. Prepare of beras (5000rp).
  2. Prepare of santan (6000rp).
  3. Prepare of Set jari kunyit(parut).
  4. You need of garam.
  5. Prepare of daun salam.
  6. You need of Air.
  7. It's of Bahan mi:.
  8. You need of mi.
  9. It's of bawang putih(geprek).
  10. It's of lada bubuk.
  11. It's of sawi.
  12. You need of kecap.
  13. It's of Garam, kaldu bubuk.
  14. Prepare of Ayam suwir:.
  15. You need of ayam.
  16. It's of bawang putih(geprek).
  17. It's of lada bubuk.
  18. You need of lajur daun bawang.
  19. It's of Garam.
  20. You need of Scramble egg:.
  21. You need of telor (orak arik).

Tumpeng imut instructions

  1. Masak nasi (sy pakai magic com)campur semua bahan nasi, sambil menunggu nasi matang kita masak bahan lain.
  2. Rebus ayam, suwir2, tumis bawang hingga harum, masukan ayam, daun bawang, lada, garam aduk rata& matang.
  3. Rebus mi, tiriskan, tumis bawang hingga harum masukan mi, sawi, garam, lada, kaldu bubuk + kecap.
  4. Secrembe egg.
  5. Siap plastik, isi bagian ujung pertama dgn telor lalu mi ayam nasi kuning, tumpeng imut siap sajikan.