How to Cook Delicious Ogura Cake Nescafe Coklat Moca

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Ogura Cake Nescafe Coklat Moca. Despite its name, Ogura cake isn't Japanese. It hails from Batu Pahat, which is in Johor, which is in Malaysia. My favourite flavour for the cake is coconut but orange is pretty good too.

Ogura Cake Nescafe Coklat Moca Resep Ogura Cake Taro ( Purple sweet yam) New Recipe. Setelah falling in love sama Ogura cake,mulai deh bergentayangan cari resep ogura laen.seperti biasa selalu penasaran+pengen buat perbandingan.ckikik :D Seperti yang kita. Ogura Cake adalah sejenis kue yang dibuat dengan sistem oven setengah dikukus atau au bain marie. You can cook Ogura Cake Nescafe Coklat Moca using 15 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Ogura Cake Nescafe Coklat Moca

  1. It's of Bahan A :.
  2. You need 5 btr of kuning telor.
  3. Prepare 1 btr of telor utuh.
  4. Prepare 70 gr of tepung teligu protein tinggi.
  5. Prepare 10 gr of tepung maizena.
  6. It's 60 ml of minyak sayur.
  7. It's 65 gr of susu cair.
  8. You need 2 of sacset Nescafe Classic, seduh dengan 1 sdm air panas.
  9. Prepare 1 sdm of pasta Mocca.
  10. It's 1 sdm of bubuk coklat.
  11. You need 1 sdt of pasta coklat.
  12. Prepare of Bahan B :.
  13. It's 5 btr of putih telor.
  14. Prepare 80 gr of gula pasir.
  15. Prepare 1 sdm of air jeruk lemon / nipis.

Kue ini sangat lembut seringan kapas dan lebih Ogura cake sekilas memang mirip kue bolu. Namun, ketika disentuh atau disantap, tekstur kue ini mirip seperti chiffon yang lembut dan ringan, tapi tidak. Ogura Cake Cake Varieties Asian Cake Japanese Cake Cake Writing Sponge Cake Recipes Asian Desserts Asian Recipes Cake Board. tricolour ogura cake - Victoria Bakes. i'd always wanted to bake a dreamy ogura cake…. my previous ogura cakes did not oooo-gooo-ra enough. you know. See more ideas about ogura cake, cake, chiffon cake.

Ogura Cake Nescafe Coklat Moca instructions

  1. Bahan A : Campur semua bahan A aduk pakai wisk hingga rata..
  2. Bahan B : kocok putih telur, gula dan air jeruk lemon hingga soft peak, kental berjejak..
  3. Tuang adonan bahan B ke bahan adonan A sedikit demi sedikit dengan cara aduk balik dengan spatula silikon hingga tercampur rata..
  4. Tuang ke loyang yang sudah dialasi baking paper. Panggang pada suhu 180C selama 20 menit api atas bawah. Lakukan Test tusuk..
  5. Angkat, dinginkan dan siap untuk di sajikan..

First attempt on this cake, so I did my reading up on ogura cakes, from various bloggers to see if there are any important tips on making this cake. This Zebra Ogura cake recipe shows you how to make the best ogura cake with beautiful zebra pattern through a video tutorial and tons of tips. I remember this cake was once such a hit amongst Asian bloggers in Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia… People were literally crazy about it, as it. Cake ini seharusnya bernama zebra ogura cake. Garis kuning dan coklat yang berselang-seling Penting untuk tidak mengocok putih telur hingga terlalu kaku, karena akan menyulitkannya diaduk rata dengan adonan dasar, memicu kita cenderung over-mixed dan membuat adonan kempes.