Easiest Way to Cook Delicious Kue Lumpur Ubi (gluten free)

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Kue Lumpur Ubi (gluten free).

Kue Lumpur Ubi (gluten free) You can cook Kue Lumpur Ubi (gluten free) using 8 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Kue Lumpur Ubi (gluten free)

  1. It's of Ubi jalar kukus, haluskan.
  2. It's of Tepung campur.
  3. Prepare of (tepung beras 120 gr tep maizena 40 gr tep tapioka 40 gr).
  4. Prepare of Telor.
  5. Prepare of margarin butter cair.
  6. Prepare of air gula aren.
  7. It's of fiber cream.
  8. Prepare of air.

Kue Lumpur Ubi (gluten free) step by step

  1. Campur ubi halus dengan air gula aren.
  2. Mixer telor masukkan tepung, fiber cream dan garam.
  3. Tambahkan air dan butter mixer.
  4. Panaskan cetakan kue lumpur, panggang adonan hingga matang. Setelah hampir matang beri kismis.
  5. Kue lumpur siap dinikmati.