Recipe: Yummy 🌷Kue Cubit🌷

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

🌷Kue Cubit🌷. Kue cubit is a Southeast Asian snack, originating from Indonesia. It is common snack food served in many Indonesian cities. The sellers of this snack usually operate near schools or traditional markets.

🌷Kue Cubit🌷 Lalu masak diatas cetakan kue cubit. Bahasa Indonesia Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Polski Português Tiếng Việt Türkçe Русский हिन्दी 한국어 日本語 繁體中文 العربية. The latest Tweets from Kue Cubit (@kuecubit__). @kuecubit__. You can cook 🌷Kue Cubit🌷 using 7 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of 🌷Kue Cubit🌷

  1. Prepare of tepung terigu.
  2. It's of gula pasir.
  3. You need of telur ayam.
  4. It's of soda kue.
  5. It's of vanila essence.
  6. It's of susu UHT.
  7. Prepare of Aneka topping (contoh meses).

Pecinta Kue Cubit dan roti sobek. Kue Cubit Ala Farah Quinn Kelihatannya Enak Banget Nih. Kue cubit ini empuk banget meski sampai besoknya. Kue cubit is a Southeast Asian snack, originating from Indonesia.

🌷Kue Cubit🌷 instructions

  1. Campur bahan jadi satu.. Aduk hingga merata...
  2. Lalu diamkan 15 menitan.. Lalu masak diatas cetakan kue cubit.. Sebelumnya oleskan minyak dulu biar ga lengket.. Dan ketika setengah matang bisa dikasih topping.
  3. Btw saya pake susu UHT coconut delight.. Soalnya ga punya yg plain.. 😁 tp tetep enak kok...

Kue cubit uses flour, baking powder, sugar and milk as its primary ingredients. The liquid dough is poured into a steel plate with several small round basins so that it will form a round shape when cooked, and poured with meises. Kue cubit is a Southeast Asian snack, originating from Indonesia. It is common snack food served in many Indonesian cities. Kue cubit uses flour, baking powder, sugar and milk as its primary ingredients.