How to Make Appetizing Kue Cubit Teflon With No egg!

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Kue Cubit Teflon With No egg!.

Kue Cubit Teflon With No egg! You can have Kue Cubit Teflon With No egg! using 8 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Kue Cubit Teflon With No egg!

  1. You need of Tepung terigu.
  2. Prepare of Gula pasir.
  3. Prepare of air.
  4. It's of baking powder.
  5. Prepare of soda kue.
  6. It's of mentega cair.
  7. It's of Meses.
  8. Prepare of Keju parut.

Kue Cubit Teflon With No egg! instructions

  1. Campur tepung, gula, air, mentega cair, baking powder, soda kue, lalu aduk sampai kekentalannya pas.
  2. Panas kan Teflon api sedang, masukan sedikit mentega.
  3. Masukan 1 setengah sdm adonan kue cubit, tutup Teflon sebentar.
  4. Buka tutup, lalu beri topping.
  5. SELESAI!!!.