Recipe: Appetizing Kue cubit

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Kue cubit.

Kue cubit You can have Kue cubit using 8 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Kue cubit

  1. It's of Tep trigu.
  2. Prepare of Gula pasir.
  3. Prepare of Telor.
  4. It's of Margarin (cair).
  5. You need of Susu cair.
  6. You need of bp.
  7. It's of vanila bubuk.
  8. You need of garam.

Kue cubit instructions

  1. Campur trigu bp garam.
  2. Kocok telor dan gula sampe kental.
  3. Masukan vanila masukan trigu.
  4. Aduk rata masukan susu cair dan margarin cair.
  5. Aduk rata msukan bp aduk rata.
  6. Diamkan 30 menit trus cetak olesi cetakan tuang adonan 3/4.
  7. Akan mengembang.