Recipe: Perfect 🐾Sus rasa fla susu🐾 bubuk coklat

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

🐾Sus rasa fla susu🐾 bubuk coklat.

🐾Sus rasa fla susu🐾 bubuk coklat You can have 🐾Sus rasa fla susu🐾 bubuk coklat using 12 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of 🐾Sus rasa fla susu🐾 bubuk coklat

  1. You need of Fla :.
  2. You need of air.
  3. It's of gula.
  4. Prepare of susu bubuk coklat bendera.
  5. Prepare of terigu.
  6. Prepare of maizena.
  7. Prepare of margarin.
  8. You need of Bahan kulit :.
  9. You need of telur kecil.
  10. It's of air.
  11. Prepare of cakra.
  12. Prepare of margarin.

🐾Sus rasa fla susu🐾 bubuk coklat instructions

  1. Bikin kulit : didihkan semua bhn kecuali telur, tepung.
  2. Setelah mnddh masukkan tepung. Aduk masak dg api kcl 2 mnt.
  3. Matikan api.
  4. Setelah agk dingin mixer. Mskn telur 1/1.
  5. Mskn piping bag.
  6. Semprotkan ke wadah pie. Oven suhu 200 35 mnt.
  7. Bikin fla. Campur semua bhn kecuali margarin. Aduk smp mnddh mengental. Mskn margarin. Matikan api.
  8. Isikan sus matang dg isinya yg sdh adem.