How to Cook Appetizing Sus susu

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Sus susu.

Sus susu You can have Sus susu using 12 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Sus susu

  1. You need of Kulit :.
  2. It's of telur.
  3. It's of air.
  4. It's of tepung.
  5. It's of margarin.
  6. You need of Isi :.
  7. It's of maizena (tggl itu).
  8. It's of tepung.
  9. Prepare of skm coklat.
  10. You need of skm putih.
  11. It's of air.
  12. It's of margarin.

Sus susu instructions

  1. Panaskan bhn kulit kec telur, tepung.hngg mnddh.
  2. Matikan api. Mskn tepung. Aduk rata. Masak 2mnt.
  3. Setelah dingin kocok telur 1/1.
  4. Semprotkan di wadah, sebelumnya adonan msk plastik segitiga.
  5. Panggang 200, 20mnt Ll 180, 15 mnt.
  6. Bikin fla. Msk semua bhn kecuali margarin..
  7. Setelah mengental. Mskn margarin.
  8. Isi fla ke kulit stlh dingin. Yg 2 sdh dimkn tnp isi sama ank.