How to Prepare Appetizing Sus fla susu

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Sus fla susu.

Sus fla susu You can cook Sus fla susu using 13 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Sus fla susu

  1. You need of telur.
  2. Prepare of tepung prot tinggi.
  3. It's of Gula (0).
  4. Prepare of Garam (0).
  5. It's of Margarin.
  6. You need of Bahan fla :.
  7. You need of susu.
  8. It's of Air 3/4 teflon kecil.
  9. You need of Keju parut.
  10. It's of Terigu.
  11. You need of Maizena.
  12. You need of Gula 2 sdm (selera mw yg mns).
  13. It's of Margarin.

Sus fla susu instructions

  1. Didihkan air, margarin. Setelah itu masukkan tepung. Aduk cpt. Masak kmbl sekitar 1_2 mnt.
  2. Setelah dingin. Kocokkan telur. Dikocok smp tercampur rt. Semprotkan.
  3. Panggang 200, 20 mnt. 180 10 mnt. ato smp mtg. Tktnya trll garing krn ukuran dan jumlahnya mini..
  4. Bikin fla, campur semua bahan fla, aduk. Pnsksn hingga mengental. Matikan api. Masukkan margarin, aduk rt. Isikan fla ke dlm sus. Taburi keju. Pas fla nya dg jmlh kulit sus. Efisien. Cm klo nmbh bikin lg. Hihi.