How to Cook Tasty Sus pasta pandan

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Sus pasta pandan.

Sus pasta pandan You can cook Sus pasta pandan using 5 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Sus pasta pandan

  1. It's of air.
  2. You need of gula.
  3. It's of garam.
  4. You need of margarin.
  5. Prepare of tepung.

Sus pasta pandan instructions

  1. Didihkan smw kec tepung smp mnddh. Matikan api. Masukkan tepung.aduk cpt. Nyalakan apu lg msk 2 mnt..
  2. Setelah adem pindah ke mangkok mixer. Mskn telur 1/ 1 sampai tcmpr rt. Semprotkan ke wadah yg sdh dioles margarin.
  3. Panggang di oven yg sdh pns 200, 20 mnt. Ll 180 20 mnt.
  4. Isikan fla ke dalam wadah kulit sus.