How to Prepare Yummy Pukis (Sourdough)

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Pukis (Sourdough). Kue pukis or simply called Pukis is an Indonesian kue or traditional snack made of a wheat flour-based batter and cooked in a special mold pan. It is a commonly found snack in Indonesian traditional markets. Lihat juga resep Kue Pukis Simple enak lainnya.

Pukis (Sourdough) See more ideas about sourdough, sourdough recipes, sourdough starter recipe. Soft sourdough cinnamon raisin bread is a beautifully flavored and sliceable raisin bread. Use sourdough to make bread, pancakes, cookies and more! You can cook Pukis (Sourdough) using 13 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Pukis (Sourdough)

  1. Prepare of Bahan I :.
  2. It's 140 gr of sourdough starter.
  3. Prepare 225 gr of tepung terigu pro tinggi.
  4. It's 125 gr of gula pasir.
  5. You need 65 gr of santan kental.
  6. It's 135 gr of susu cair.
  7. You need of Bahan II :.
  8. Prepare 3 butir of telur.
  9. You need 40-50 gr of gula pasir (sesuaikan kalo terlalu manis).
  10. Prepare 1/2 sdt of garam.
  11. You need of Bahan III :.
  12. Prepare 40 gr of mentega.
  13. Prepare of Keju iris kecil utk topping.

Extensive selection of Expert Advice Articles, Tutorials, How-to Videos, Recipes and more! We show you how to make a sourdough loaf from scratch. You can find the recipe for our sourdough starter at Sourdough is about timing, and temperature.

Pukis (Sourdough) step by step

  1. Timbang bahan I. Campur bahan kering dgn whisker, buat lubang di tengahnya. Masukkan sourdougj dna bahan cair di lubang. Aduk dari tengah ke pinggir hingga tercampur rata. Tutup wadah dgn plastik wrap. Diamkan di suhu ruang 2 jam. Kemudian masukkan kulkas (bukan freezer) selama 8 jam..
  2. Keluarkan adonan dari kulkas dan diamkan 45-60 menit. Sambil siapkan next step..
  3. Mixer bahan 2 hingga pucat saja dan gula larut. Masukkan adonan dan mixer dengan kecepatan rendah hingga tercampur rata..
  4. Sementara itu cairkan mentega. Setelah agak hangat masukkan ke adonan dan aduk hingga tercampur rata. Diamkan 30 menit..
  5. Panaskan cetakan kurleb 20 menit hingga benar2 panas dengan api sedang. Tes dengan setitik adonan yg dimasukkan akan berbunyi "cess". Tuang adonan hingga 3/4 tinggi cetakan. Atur api agar adonan tidak gosong tp cukup panas Akan keluar lubang2 kecil di permukaan. Tanda pukis bersarangšŸ˜. Taruh1 potong keju. Tutup cetakan hingga matang dan permukaan kering. Angkat dan sajikan..

It is always a good idea to make sure you know your timings so you don't suddenly find yourself having to leave your dough unattendedā€¦ Sourdough Pukis (Indonesian Cakelettes). Sourdough is essentially a natural yeast. There's yeast all around us: in the air, on our hands, on Sourdough takes much more patience and loving care, but it results in a far superior flavor (in my. How do you convert a yeast based recipe to sourdough? Want to learn how to make and bake sourdough?