How to Prepare Tasty Bolu Tape Keju

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Bolu Tape Keju.

Bolu Tape Keju You can cook Bolu Tape Keju using 10 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Bolu Tape Keju

  1. It's 4 butir of telur.
  2. You need 1 sdt of SP.
  3. It's 180 gr of gula pasir.
  4. You need 200 gr of tape singkong.
  5. You need 200 gr of tepung terigu (segitiga).
  6. Prepare 3 sdm of susu bubuk.
  7. It's 150 of margarine, cairkan.
  8. It's of Topping :.
  9. Prepare secukupnya of Chocochips.
  10. It's secukupnya of Keju.

Bolu Tape Keju instructions

  1. Hancurkan tape sampai halus, buang sumbu nya..
  2. Kocok telur, SP dan gula sampai putih mengental kira2 5 menit. Lalu masukkan tape dan tepung secara bertahap. Mixer dengan kecepatan rendah..
  3. Masukkan margarine cair. Aduk dengan spatula.
  4. Tuang kedalam loyang ukuran 24 cm. Beri topping keju dan chocochips diatasnya..
  5. Oven dengan suhu 170 Derajat Celcius..
  6. Potong potong dan sajikan dehh...Selamat menikmati.