How to Cook Delicious Pempek

Delicious, fresh and tasty.


Pempek You can have Pempek using 9 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Pempek

  1. It's of ikan giling.
  2. It's of tapioka / sagu.
  3. You need of air.
  4. Prepare of bawang putih.
  5. Prepare of telur.
  6. Prepare of gula pasir.
  7. It's of garam.
  8. It's of kaldu bubuk.
  9. You need of Tapioka secukupnya untuk baluran.

Pempek instructions

  1. Blender halus daging & bawang putih.
  2. Tambahkan air, garam, hula pasir, kaldu, telur.
  3. Tambahkan tapioka, campur sebentar saja, asal rata.
  4. Baluri tangan dengan tapioka, bentuk & gelindingkan adonan, rebus di air mendidih.