Recipe: Appetizing Pempek dos rebon

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Pempek dos rebon.

Pempek dos rebon You can cook Pempek dos rebon using 11 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Pempek dos rebon

  1. You need of Terigu.
  2. You need of Tepung beras.
  3. It's of Rebon blender skitr 100-200gram klo disni rebon nya ga bgitu asin,klo di indo mngkn takarannya bsa di kurangin ya,krna rebon di indo asinn bngt😅.
  4. It's of Garam.
  5. You need of Gula.
  6. You need of Sasa(boleh skip).
  7. It's of Air panas.
  8. It's of Minyak sayur.
  9. You need of Telor.
  10. Prepare of Telor 3 butir utk isian.
  11. It's of Tapioca atau aci.

Pempek dos rebon instructions

  1. Campur smua bahan kcuali telor dan minyak,tuang air panas aduk smpai rata,dingin kan.
  2. Stlh dingin msuk an telor dan minyak sayur..aduk rata.
  3. Lalu msukan tapioca atau aci sdikit2 smpe trcmpur rata..adonan siap di bntuk.