Recipe: Delicious Nasi goreng padang

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Nasi goreng padang.

Nasi goreng padang You can have Nasi goreng padang using 11 ingredients and 1 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Nasi goreng padang

  1. Prepare of nasi.
  2. It's of telur.
  3. Prepare of daun seledri.
  4. It's of Garam.
  5. Prepare of Bumbu halus.
  6. You need of bawang putih.
  7. Prepare of bawang merah.
  8. You need of cabe merah.
  9. It's of cabe rawit.
  10. Prepare of kemiri.
  11. You need of merica.

Nasi goreng padang step by step

  1. Tumis bumbu halus hingga harum masukan telur lalu orak arik dan daun seledri masukan nasi dan garam secukupnya aduk rata lalu koreksi rasa..