How to Prepare Appetizing Nasi goreng padang

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Nasi goreng padang.

Nasi goreng padang You can cook Nasi goreng padang using 23 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Nasi goreng padang

  1. Prepare of nasi.
  2. It's of sosis (optional).
  3. Prepare of tomat (iris).
  4. Prepare of telur.
  5. Prepare of kubis iris tipis (optional).
  6. It's of Kecap manis (sesuai selera).
  7. You need of saus tiram.
  8. You need of daun bawang (iris).
  9. It's of seledri (iris).
  10. It's of Kaldu ayam (optional).
  11. You need of Garam.
  12. It's of Gula.
  13. You need of Lada bubuk.
  14. You need of Bumbu halus :.
  15. It's of cabe keriting (sesuai selera).
  16. It's of bawang merah.
  17. Prepare of bawang putih.
  18. You need of Bahan pelengkap (optional):.
  19. Prepare of Telur ceplok.
  20. You need of Selada.
  21. You need of Timun.
  22. Prepare of Kerupuk.
  23. You need of Tomat.

Nasi goreng padang instructions

  1. Tumis bumbu halus, masukkan kubis dan sosis, tunggu hingga layu, pinggirkan, masukkan telur orak arik.
  2. Masukkan nasi, aduk rata, tambahkan tomat, daun bawang, seledri, kecap manis, saus tiram, garam, gula, lada bubuk, kaldu ayam lalu aduk rata dan koreksi rasa.
  3. Sajikan dengan bahan pelengkap.