Recipe: Yummy Gulai Ayam Boros Nasi

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Gulai Ayam Boros Nasi.

Gulai Ayam Boros Nasi You can have Gulai Ayam Boros Nasi using 17 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Gulai Ayam Boros Nasi

  1. Prepare of daging ayam.
  2. It's of lengkuas (geprek).
  3. Prepare of sereh (geprek).
  4. You need of daun kunyit (bisa skip).
  5. Prepare of daun jeruk purut (remes2).
  6. Prepare of asam gelugur (bisa asam kandis).
  7. Prepare of minyak goreng.
  8. It's of santan (dari sebutir kelapa).
  9. You need of Bumbu Halus.
  10. You need of cabai merah.
  11. Prepare of bawang merah.
  12. You need of bawang putih.
  13. Prepare of jahe.
  14. Prepare of kunyit bakar.
  15. Prepare of kemiri.
  16. You need of garam.
  17. It's of gula.

Gulai Ayam Boros Nasi instructions

  1. Tumis bumbu halus bersama lengkuas, sereh, asam gelugur, daun kunyit, salam dan daun jeruk purut..
  2. Setelah harum, masukkan santan. Aduk2 sampai mendidih..
  3. Masukkan potongan daging ayam, aduk2 terus sampai kuah menyusut, kental Dan berminyak. Koreksi rasa. Matikan kompor..