Easiest Way to Make Appetizing Putri Salju Cream Cheese ---no kacang mete ngeprul lumer---

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Putri Salju Cream Cheese ---no kacang mete ngeprul lumer---.

Putri Salju Cream Cheese ---no kacang mete ngeprul lumer--- You can have Putri Salju Cream Cheese ---no kacang mete ngeprul lumer--- using 12 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Putri Salju Cream Cheese ---no kacang mete ngeprul lumer---

  1. Prepare of Bahan A :.
  2. It's 150 of butter mix.
  3. You need 1 butir of kuning telur.
  4. Prepare 35 gr of cream cheese.
  5. Prepare 50 gr of gula halus.
  6. Prepare 50 gr of keju parut.
  7. You need of Bahan Ayak :.
  8. It's 250 gr of tepung ∆.
  9. Prepare 25 gr of susu bubuk.
  10. Prepare 40 gr of maizena.
  11. It's of Taburan :.
  12. Prepare Secukupnya of icing sugar.

Putri Salju Cream Cheese ---no kacang mete ngeprul lumer--- step by step

  1. Campur semua bahan A sampai tercampur rata dg mixer speed rendah, kemudian masukkan bahan yg diayak.
  2. Gilas adonan kemudian cetak selera, atau bs pakai celakan nastar, atau bisa juga dibulatin manual (sesuai selera aja ya moms).
  3. Oven dg suhu 140°C selama 30 menit atau sesuai oven masing².
  4. Setelah hangat gulingkan di icing sugar, tunggu dingin baru masukin toples.
  5. Selamat mencoba 😘.