Recipe: Appetizing 55. Soto lemak (Gajih sapi)

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

55. Soto lemak (Gajih sapi).

55. Soto lemak (Gajih sapi) You can cook 55. Soto lemak (Gajih sapi) using 17 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of 55. Soto lemak (Gajih sapi)

  1. Prepare of gajih sapi.
  2. Prepare of Daun salam.
  3. Prepare of Daun jeruk.
  4. Prepare of Sereh.
  5. You need of Daun bawang.
  6. Prepare of Gula.
  7. It's of Garam.
  8. You need of Penyedap.
  9. You need of Bumbu halus.
  10. Prepare of bamer.
  11. It's of baput.
  12. You need of jahe.
  13. It's of kunyit.
  14. You need of lengkuas.
  15. It's of kemiri.
  16. You need of merica.
  17. You need of ketumbar.

55. Soto lemak (Gajih sapi) step by step

  1. Tumis bumbu halus sampai tanek..
  2. Masukkan daun salam, daun jeruk, sereh. Tumis sampai harum..
  3. Tambahkan sedikit air. Setelah mendidih masukkan garam, gula, penyedap..
  4. Setelah mendidih pindah bumbu ke dalam panci yang sudah berisikan air mendidih. Aduk setelah mendidih masukkan gajihnya dan potongan daun bawang. Jangan lupa tes rasa..