Easiest Way to Prepare Appetizing Soto Ayam

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Soto Ayam.

Soto Ayam You can have Soto Ayam using 18 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Soto Ayam

  1. Prepare of ayam (dada).
  2. It's of wortel.
  3. Prepare of Kubis (potong sesuai selera).
  4. You need of Taoge.
  5. Prepare of Daun bawang (slice).
  6. It's of Bihun.
  7. Prepare of air.
  8. You need of Kaldu.
  9. Prepare of Bahan halus.
  10. You need of bawang putih.
  11. It's of bawang merah.
  12. It's of kunyit.
  13. It's of jahe.
  14. It's of kemiri.
  15. Prepare of Kayu manis.
  16. You need of Daun salam.
  17. Prepare of daun jeruk.
  18. Prepare of Sereh.

Soto Ayam step by step

  1. Rebus ayam sebentar, lalu buang air. Kemudian rebus kembali, lalu masukkan daun salam, sereh geprek, daun jeruk..
  2. Tumis bahan2 halus sampai harum. Lalu masukkan ke rebusan ayam sebelumnya.
  3. Koreksi rasa..
  4. Ambil ayam dalam rebusan, kemudian goreng sampai kecoklatan, suwir suwir deh.
  5. Sajikan.